Joint statement between the Republic of Uzbekistan, the State of Kuwait


Tashkent : Upon the kind invitation of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Amir of the State of Kuwait paid a four-day official visit to the Republic of Uzbekistan on Monday.

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During the visit, official talks were held between the leadership of both countries promoting the spirit of cooperation, and reviewing bilateral relations.

Both sides expressed satisfaction with the continued relationship and discussed ways to develop and promote it for the benefit of both nations.

The two sides also noted potentials for the development and exchange of cooperation in the field of commerce, economy and culture, attributing to existing political relations that promote Kuwaiti investment in Uzbekistan and which promote all forms of commercial exchange between the two countries.

Both sides confirmed the need to establish direct communication between businessmen and economic enterprises that secures their continuity for the common interest of both countries.

Uzbekistan commended Kuwait’s USD five million dolation to help build a new campus for Tashkent Islamic University, and to provide computers for 50 schools.

The Uzbek side expressed appreciation for the significant role the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development has played in the development of cooperation between the State of Kuwait and the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Considering the closeness in historical, cultural and spiritual values, both sides noted the importance to preserve and study Islamic, cultural and scientific heritage.

They also stressed the importance in continuing interaction in the field, to promote ideas of an enlightened and tolerant Islam on the basis of the shared historical, cultural and spiritual heritage of both countries. The religious commitment of both countries and their contributions to the development of the Islamic civilization, condemning any manifestation of Islamophobia and attempts to link terrorism and extremism to Islam was also emphasised.

During the visit the following agreements were signed: – An agreement to establish a joint committee for cooperation.

– An agreement on cooperation in the sphere of tourism.

– An agreement on cooperation in the health field.

– A memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the field of environment protection and conservation of natural resources for sustainable development.

– A memorandum of understanding in the field of oil and natural gas.

– A memorandum of understanding between the Kuwait Investment Authority and the Uzbek Ministry for Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trade.

– An agreement between the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED) and the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan to grant a loan funding a project to build and construct a centre for heart surgery.

On the political scale, the two sides unfolded the latest developments to which views were shared, with emphasis on these views to be implemented in future international conventions like the United Nations.

Amongst the views shared were peace and security-related issues, as well as the Middle East issue, the fight against terrorism and issues affecting Central Asian countries.

His Highness the Amir expressed gratitude to the Republic of Uzbekistan and its people for their warm reception, inviting President Karimov to make a similar visit to the State of Kuwait by diplomatic channels in the near future.