Egyptian FM urges Lebanese to end fighting

By Xinhua,

Cairo : Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit on Monday called on Lebanese government supporters and opponents to end clashes in northern Lebanon that killed at least six in the past two days.

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The fighting is unjustifiable and would sabotage Arab’s efforts to settle the Lebanese political crisis, the official MENA news agency quoted Abul Gheit as saying.

According to earlier report, the fierce fighting erupted Sunday in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli also left at least 44 others injured, most of whom were caught in the crossfire, or hit by sniping fire.

Abul Gheit expressed his hope that Lebanese Prime Minister-designated Fouad Seniora would be able to form a national unity government in line with the Doha agreement under the aegis of the Cairo-based Arab League.

Lebanon’s ruling majority and the opposition reached an agreement in Doha on May 21, ending a 18-month-long political deadlock which has pushed the country to the brink of a civil war.

The first phase of the agreement led to the election of army chief Michel Suleiman as the new president on May 25 after six months of a presidential vacuum.

The second step is to form a national unity government giving the opposition the long-awaited veto power, but creation of the cabinet has been delayed by disagreement over key portfolios since late May.