Myanmar Appreciates International Assistance

By Bernama,

Yangon : Myanmar has expressed its appreciation over the assistance rendered by international medics including those from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in the healthcare services for cyclone victims, China’s Xinhua news agency said quoting state media reports Tuesday.

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The New Light of Myanmar quoted Myanmar Minister of Health Dr. Kyaw Myint as saying that the visits by the foreigners have enhanced cooperation between Myanmar and the international medical circle.

The newspaper said that such a move also promoted an understanding between Myanmar and the world nations as well as the exchange of knowledge and experiences.

Kyaw Myint, who is also member of the National Disaster Preparedness Central Committee, said this at a workshop of a Myanmar-ASEAN-UN tripartite core group on medical missions feedback in post-storm relief, response and early recovery.

He said that various domestic healthcare associations, international non-governmental organizations, private clinics and Myanmar traditional medicine practitioners have made field trips to storm-hit areas and carried out treatment for survivors.

In the post-Nargis period, dozens of foreign medics were allowed in Myanmar to render medical services to the cyclone victims.

These groups have respectively served in such disaster-hit townships as Laputta, Myaungmya, Bogalay, Phyapon, Kyauktan, Kungyangon and Maubin. The Chinese and Thai doctors have completed their missions in Myanmar.

Meanwhile, state media reported no outbreak of other contagious and epidemic diseases in the storm-hit areas, saying that a total of 206,039 storm patients had received medical treatment during a month after the cyclone storm hit the country early last month.

Deadly tropical cyclone Nargis, which occurred over the Bay of Bengal, hit five divisions and states — Ayeyawaddy, Yangon, Bago, Mon and Kayin on May 2 and 3, of which Ayeyawaddy and Yangon inflicted the heaviest casualties and massive infrastructural damage. The storm has killed 77,738 people and left 55,917 missing and 19,359 injured according to official death toll.