British Foreign Secretary welcomes “promising” Mideast peace moves


London : British Foreign Secretary David Miliband has welcomed “promising” developments in the Middle East peace process after a ceasefire was agreed between Israel and Hamas.

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Miliband told the House of Commons Tuesday that there was a “more propitious environment” than just a few weeks ago, but he also warned against getting “carried away by any sense of optimism” despite “stirrings” in the region.

The Foreign Secretary said there was a real determination in the international community to “hold onto this idea that 2008 has to be made into a key year for the Middle East peace process”.

“There hasn’t been a process for seven years. There is one now. It’s precious and we need to make sure it makes some progress,” he told the MPs.

It was now vital that the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas held so that the “humanitarian situation” could improve in respect of health supplies, as well as fuel. “We aren’t just calling into thin air for improved access on humanitarian grounds into Gaza. As part of the agreement, Israel has committed to improving the flow of goods and services in there,” he added.

The Middle East would be a major topic at the G8 foreign ministers’ meeting on Thursday, Miliband said. The peace process “is slightly more promising than it would have been if we had been having this session one, two or three weeks ago,” he noted.

Miliband put this down to “developments in Gaza, developments in Lebanon and also the opening of indirect Israel-Syria talks, which created a more propitious environment” for the peace process.

The Foreign Secretary said: “It’s very important that we don’t get carried away by any sense of optimism, but I do say there are some stirrings there that are important”.