Palestinian leader calls for more EU support for peace process


Ramallah : Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has called for more active support from the European Union for the Middle East peace process.

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Speaking at a joint press conference with French President Nicholas Sarkozy in Bethlehem Tuesday, he said the peace process required a “strong push” by the international community, and by the EU, whose rotating presidency was currently held by France.

Abbas said: “We want the EU to have an effective political role, besides its economic one.”

He expressed satisfaction with the French stance over many issues, as affirmed by the Sarkozy in his speech delivered before the Knesset Monday.

“Your (France’s) stances reflect true friendship and a president who is keen on the region’s interests … your courage is the key to resolving the conflict, and courage is what we need to create a bright future,” he said.

Abbas called on France to exert greater efforts to alleviate the sufferings of the Palestinian people, lauding France’s economic role and its support for peace.

On his part, Sarkozy said Israel’s security was non-negotiable, adding that the establishment of a Palestinian state was a priority for France.

Israel’s security will be achieved once the Palestinians are allowed to establish their state, he said, stressing that France does not apply double standards and supports both the establishment of the Palestinian state and also the Israeli side.

He underscored the need to stop the building of settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, adding that France would not be a bystander as to the peace process and would apply economic and diplomatic means to bring peace to the region.

Sarkozy also said that France would not deal with Hamas unless it changed its ways — alluding to the movement’s acknowledgment of Israel.

The French president said he saw the separating wall and barricades that were built, and demanded that Israel stop such actions because the Jewish state’s security could only be achieved through the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Furthermore, he said peace required economic development.

The two presidents signed earlierTuesday an agreement for the establishment of an industrial zone in Bethlehem, worth USD 21 million.

Sarkozy had arrived in Bethlehem Tuesday afternoon to hold talks with Abbas at the Presidential Palace.