By Prensa Latina
Baghdad : Teheran delegation to the fourth Iran-US round of talks on Iraqi security returned to the neighbor country after being postponed at the last moment.
This last exchange meeting between experts was attended by an Iranian representation led by Reza Amiri Moghadam and arrived in Baghdad on Wednesday afternoon but went back to their country on Thursday.
IRNA news agency reported on Wednesday the fourth meeting on security in Iraq, which was previously postponed in two occasions, will be held on Thursday.
“The Islamic Republic of Iran gives great importance to Iraq’s security and will use all of its capacities in that sense,” assured the official in a constructive declaration in this respect.
According to Al Arabiya TV station the government spokesman Ali Dabbagh and the US ambassador Bryan Crocker denied having arranged the meeting for Thursday.
The meeting will take place after the visit of Iranian President Mahmud Admadinejad to this Arab country in which he demanded withdrawal of US troops again.