Ta’awan Trust extending help to flood-hit Bihar

By Md. Ali, TwoCircles.net,

Patna: The water though have receded from the flood affected areas in Bihar, the people affected by the Kosi River fury are still in great need of help. There lies the importance of government agencies and NGOs continue relief and rehabilitation work.

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Many NGOs are working in the flood affected districts where almost five million people have been rendered homeless. Ta’awan Trust is one such NGOs.

The relief team of the trust went to Araria and Purnia on September 7, 2008. The team visited five camps in Araria town; namely Azad Academy camp, Town Hall camp, camp at Jamia Rasheedia Salfia, camp of affected people of Farbisganj and Al Shams Millat College where migrated people from different parts of Araria district have taken shelter.

The team distributed food packets including much needed food for children, milk. But flood victims in these camps are still facing acute shortage of milk and garments etc. In Purnia the team of Ta’awun Trust went in those camps where victims were waiting for food grains and distributed food packets and other relief materials. It also visited many camps which were difficult to reach like the one in Ram Nagar.

It is the observation of many organizations like Ta’awan Trust working in the flood affected region that people in the relief camps are yet to have sufficient food grains, proper medical relief, drinking water, milk for babies, food for children, garments and proper sanitation etc.

The trust has planned to undertake rehabilitation work in the flood affected areas after three months.

It has appealed to all to participate in its efforts to extend a helping hand to the needy. All the donations made for the flood victims will be published in its annual report. (All donations to the Trust are exempted under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act 1961, and it has a permanent registration under FCRA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act).

Contact details

Ta’awun Trust

Bank: State Bank of India, Zakir Nagar Branch, New Delhi-110025

Account No.: 10177189422 (for Foreign Donors), 10177189603 (for Indian Donors)

Address: 162, Jogabai Main Road, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-110025 (India)

Phones: 26987467, 26981187, 26989253

Fax: 91-11-26981104

Email: [email protected]