New Delhi : Aiming to spread awareness about prevention of liver diseases, Apollo hospital here has launched a liver care website as part of World Liver Day Monday.
“The portal will not only discuss the various issue of liver disease, it will also have a section called ‘ask a doctor’, an interactive network, where patients can post their queries on liver related issues and can get an answer from an expert within 48 hours,” Anupam Sibal, group medical director of Apollo hospitals, said.
The hospital claims to have performed over 411 adult and paediatric transplants, of which 175 transplants were this year alone. The experts claim that demand for liver transplant far outweighs the supply.
“The website will be reaching out to more people and will be a tool to help in dealing with the disease. The portal will contain a database of 300 patients,” said Subhash Gupta, senior consultant, liver transplant at the Apollo hospital.
Apart from the launch of the website, the hospital is also conducting an exclusive awareness campaign for corporates.
“We are concentrating more on IT and BPO offices as most of them suffer from Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) due to their sudden transition to a sedentary lifestyle,” Gupta added
NAFLD is a liver dysfunction in non-alcoholics and is mostly associated with obesity.