Revive peace process for final resolution of Kashmir issue, Mufti tells PM

By TCN News

New Delhi: People’s Democratic Party Patron Mufti Mohammed Sayeed has urged the Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, to initiate concrete and visible steps to revive the peace process for final resolution of the Kashmir issue. In a meeting between the two leaders in New Delhi today, they discussed the prevailing political situation in the state during which Mufti called for addressing the external and internal dimensions of the problem for an early resolution.

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Mufti reiterated his view that the dialogue process with Pakistan should be insulated against any sabotage by hawks and enemies of peace on either side. He told the Prime Minister that J&K continued to face the brunt of the hostility between the two countries resulting in curbs on its socio-economic development. He pointed out that Kashmiris were being suspected in rest of the country because of the uncertainty that has gripped the State and asked him to ensure that the innocent Kashmiri youth held in various jails on unspecified charges and without evidence against them are released immediately to convey a message of goodwill to the people of the State.

On the internal dimension of the dialogue, Mufti stressed the need to resume talks with all the stakeholders in the State especially those having separatist views. He told the Prime Minister that the continued imprisonment of prominent separatist leaders impeded progress on the internal front and these leaders need to be set free for an honest and sincere effort to find a solution through a dialogue.

Mufti also conveyed to the Prime Minister his concern on unabated human rights violations in the State which resulted in avoidable loss of life, comfort and dignity of the people. He said the Government should initiate the process of revoking AFSPA and start withdrawing its application from the areas which are free of militant threat. He reiterated his view that in light of the vastly reduced threat from militants, the armed forces should be relieved of internal security duties in civilian areas so that the people have a feel of the true democratic character of our system which has unfortunately been lacking in the State.

Mufti also discussed with the Prime Minister the issue of the return of power houses like Salaal, Dulhasti and Uri to help the State overcome its financial problems on a permanent basis. He told Dr. Singh that the unemployment problem in the State would become only more acute unless the State’s water and power resources are restored to it and the terms with NHPC renegotiated. “The state does not need doles that compromise its self respect and dignity but assistance to grow into a self reliant economic entity, utilising its resources that have been denied to it” Mufti told the prime minister.