India had only non-specific information on 26/11: Krishna


New Delhi: External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna Wednesday said India had received only “general and non-specific” information prior to the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks.

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“Well, we had some general and non-specific information which we had received prior to the heinous Mumbai attack. But it was not so specific. It was by and large general,” Krishna told reporters here.

Krishna was answering a query on whether revelations that US officials knew about the conspiracy of the Mumbai attack through the estranged wife of Lashkar-e-Taiba operative David Coleman Headley were conveyed to India.

Asked whether Headley’s revelations will cast a shadow on the forthcoming visit of US President Barack Obama to India, Krishna said: “India and US are strategic partners. Our ties are multi-faceted and in recent years transformed. We share a common outlook in a number of areas, including the scourge of terrorism. We have excellent cooperation in matters of counter terrorism.”

Krishna was speaking at a press conference he held along with Oman Foreign Minister Yousuf bin Alawi bin Abdullah.

According to reports, the wives of American-Pakistan operative Headley, who scouted targets for the Mumbai attacks, disclosed that that they had passed on information about Headley’s links to LeT and his growing interest in India, but the FBI did not act on the tip-offs.

The US Tuesday had admitted that one of Headley’s wives had twice warned the US embassy in Pakistan about her husband’s terrorist links, but denied the warnings were ignored.

Obama begins his trip to India from Mumbai on the evening of Nov 6 and then heads to New Delhi.