Human rights groups condemn Mumbai terror attack

By TCN News,

Mumbai: Several social and human rights organizations like Citizens for Peace and Justice and Muslims for Secular Democracy have strongly condemned the perpetrators of yet another terrorist assault on the citizens of Mumbai. They have extended their condolences to the family members of those who have lost their lives or are injured.

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“We have no doubt that the repeated terrorist attacks in one or another part of the country in recent years are not just incidents of mindless violence but part of a sinister design. The obvious intention is to widen the communal divide, spread mutual suspicion and hatred between communities and thus endanger national unity” said Teesta Setalvad, General Secretary of Citizens for Peace and Justice in a joint statement released on behalf of these organizations.

“Investigations into different incidents of terror attacks in recent years have clearly revealed that extremism is not the monopoly of a particular religion. The mass murderers may claim to act in the name of this or that faith but they share a common objective: bleeding India by spreading communal discord through wanton acts of violence against innocent citizens” she added.

She applauded the Union Home Minister, Mr. P. C. Chidambaram, for issuing clear instructions to the investigating agencies, not to jump to conclusions based on presumptions but to conduct their investigations professionally and with an open mind so that the real culprits are brought to justice.

She applauded the citizens of Mumbai and the rest of the country for “once again frustrating the design of the extremists by maintaining peace and communal harmony.”