Ministers to declare assets each year in Kerala

By TCN News,

Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala government has decided that all ministers will declare their assets each year, as part of the ‘100 days programme’. Chief Minister Oommen Chandy said last day that the asset details of each minister will be announced via the government website as part of the programme.

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Despite declaring the assets of the ministers, the assets of the minister’s family members, his/her personal staff and their family members also would be declared on the government website.

Those who help in unearthing corruption will be rewarded. Special arrangements will be made in the Chief Minister’s office to receive details about corruption keeping its secret nature. The CM’s office will work 24 hours a day and will be webcast live.

In another development, following West Bengal Chief Minister Mamat Banerji, Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy also has decided not to have ‘Z’ category security. Mr Chandy has reportedly directed the state DGP not to carry out checking that burden people.

The UDF government in Kerala headed by the Congress has 10 crorepati ministers, as per the affidavits declared at the time of election.