By TCN News,
New Delhi: In the wake of the 50% seats reserved for Muslim students in the light of the minority status accorded to it by the Central Government, Jamia Millia Islamia has been urged to protect the rights of the Scheduled Caste students. Chairman of the National Commission for Scheduled Castes, P L Punia, has put the demand before Vice Chancellor of Jamia Najeeb Jung.
In his meeting with the Vice Chancellor, Punia “stated that granting of minority status to Jamia Millia Islamia is a significant step in the direction of ensuring greater access by Muslim community to Higher Education in the country. However, Shri Punia also said that the Jamia must ensure that rights of the scheduled castes should remain protected within the rubric of reservation,” said Jamia Media Coordinator Simi Malhotra.
The Vice Chancellor assured Punia that he would put this matter for consideration before the Academic Council of the university, she added.
It is to be noted that the National Commission for Minority Education Institutions (NCMEI) on 22 February 2011 had granted “Minority Institution” status to Jamia Millia Islamia under Article 30(1) of the constitution read with Section 2(G) of the National Commission for Minorities Institutions Act.