Missing Thamanah traced after 8 days

By TCN Staff Reporter,

Chennai: Missing five-year-old girl Thamanah, daughter of Syed Noor Ahmed, has been traced today this morning at the General Hospital in Chennai. Kindergarten student Thamanah had gone missing on 11th May from Chennai’s Marina Beach. She was playing with her brother near their mother when she mysteriously disappeared.

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five-year-old Thamanah

Talking to TwoCircles.net on phone Syed Noor Ahmed confirmed her daughter has been recovered. He said someone dropped her at the hospital in the morning today. He further said that an unknown person telephoned him early morning and asked him to get his daughter at the railway station but then he changed the place of meeting several times. At last he got information that his daughter has been found at the hospital. He said someone who had found Thamanah has dropped her at the hospital.

He also said that during all eight days he did not receive any ransom call. He admitted that his daughter was recovered thanks to police and media pressure. Ahmed informed that Thamanah is in good health but the doctors said she will be fully normal in couple of days and only then she can narrate the incident.