Naraka Chaturdashi celebrated in Andhra


Hyderabad : Hindus in Andhra Pradesh Tuesday celebrated with gaiety Naraka Chaturdashi, the first day of the two-day Diwali festival in the state.

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A festive mood prevailed in markets, offices and homes as devotees offered special prayers on the occasion.

Men and women attired in their best were seen thronging the temples for special “puja” to mark the day, when the demon Narakasura was killed.

The day began with the men applying perfumed oil on their bodies before bath. Women also wore new clothes. Even the girls were seen wearing sarees and applying “kajal” in the eyes to keep away the evil eye.

It was a time of celebrations in many homes with women preparing special sweet dishes. In the evening the houses were lit with oil lamps and there was also bursting of firecrackers.

As Tuesday was a working day, the offices and shops were illuminated and Lakshmi puja was performed. People in offices and work places were seen exchanging greetings, sweets and other gifts.

The markets in Hyderabad were overcrowded Tuesday with Diwali shoppers. Long queues were seen at sweet shops and also specially put up stalls selling crackers.

There were long traffic snarls in the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad, especially during the peak hours in the evening.

As shopping on the eve of Diwali is considered auspicious by many, a huge rush was seen at shopping malls and stores selling electronic goods.

The traders also came out with various innovative prize schemes for the shoppers to cash in on the festive boom.