By Kashif-ul-Huda,
UP close UP series: Part 4
Muzaffarnagar came into existence during the rule of Shahjahan. Proximity to Delhi helped elites of this area established themselves into royal courts. During the later years of Mughal empire, Sayyid family of Muzaffarnagar established themselves as king-makers.
But Muzaffarnagar chose the wrong side in the war of 1857 and was punished heavily for it. Residents here still talk about mass hanging of the “rebels” by the victorious British forces. The rebel spirit has not completely died down, on Oct 18, 1976 police fired on people protesting the forced sterilization program. Twenty-five people, from the age of 11 to 26 were killed that day in one of the infamous incidents of the Emergency era.
A memorial on “Shaheed Chowk” lists names of 25 people killed on Oct 18, 1976 in “Nasbandi Goli Kand.” [TCN Photo]