New Delhi: Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit Wednesday directed Delhi Police commissioner B.K. Gupta to keep a close eye on the developments in Jor Bagh’s Karbala area where 50 people were injured in a clash last week, officials said.
Minor incidents of violence occurred when a Shia mourning procession was not allowed entry to the Karbala in south Delhi Sunday evening.
The violence erupted around 6 p.m. in the Jor Bagh area after locals alleged the gate of the religious structure had been closed by authorities.
The chief minister urged Gupta to take all possible measures to maintain law and order in the capital.
Dikshit met Gupta and Chief Secretary P.K. Tripathi and was apprised of the situation at Karbala and circumstances leading to the disturbances.
She asked Gupta to ensure that no untoward incident, threatening peace and harmony, takes place.