By TCN News,
Allahabad: The Delegation of Khudai Kidmatgar reached Allahabad for Maha Kumbh Mela For Inter faith dialogue and to spread the message of Peace and humanity. The team of Khudai Khidmatgar is led by Faisal Khan with Inamul Hasan, Mahipal Saraswath, Abdul Jabbar, Maulana Shamim Ahmad, Bagwan Lal Banshiwal, Krishna Naik and Vivek Pandey visited Kumbh Mela on 16th February based on the invitation by Shri Shri Maa Poorn Pragya Ji to Khudai Khidmatgar.
The Khudai Khidmatgar stayed at Kumbh mela Venue near the bank of Ganga for 4 days, meanwhile they distributed literatures regarding Humanity, Peace, Brotherhood and necessity of Communal Harmony written by Prof.V.K.Tripathy and Bharat Dogra.

Kumbh Mela is held every three year where Hindus gather to take a dip in the holy river. It is held by rotation in Haridawar, Allahabad, Nasik, and Ujjain.
Faisal Khan in his statement said, “the aim of Khudai Khidmatgar is to unite the heart of all human irrespective of Caste, Community and Religion. We reached Kumbh to realize that we are in support with all forms of Peace and activities with unity, he said to the Khudai Khidmatgars that If we avoid the moment like Kumbh by not reaching to them, that will make communal forces to use that opportunity.”
“Khudai Khidmatgar believes in all form of grassroot activism and not in seminars and symposium like most NGOs, in these four days the message of Khudai Khidmatgar has reached more than lakhs of people through Kumbh.”

Inamul hasan said, that “DIL JODO NAFRAT CHORHO” is the prime objective of every Khudai Khidmatgar and we will not divert from this ideology.
The Delegation distributed 40,000 literatures on Communal Harmony.
Kavi Abdul Jabbar, the Poet from Rajasthan performed his poetry on every concluding session of Maa Poorn Pragya’s Speech, the delegation also visit the cottage of all Hindu Saints to meet them.