Event promotes activism among youth in Delhi


New Delhi: To promote social activism among youth by teaching them to be the change they want to see, an event was held here Saturday that saw over 200 young people from different walks of life participating.

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On the occasion of National Youth Day, as Swami Vivekanand’s birth anniversary has come to be observed, participants discussed issues like gender, corruption, governance, peace, environment and livelihood.

“With the recent youth upsurge across the country, there was a need to bring together young people,” Arjun Shekhar, co-founder of Community – the Youth Collective (CYC), one of the organisers, told IANS.

“This event was held with the aim of helping young people focus on social action while at the same time reflecting upon themselves, so that they can be the change they want to see,” Shekhar said.

According to Shekhar, the whole process is aimed at creating a fifth space – ‘youth in social action’ in addition to the four traditional spaces where youth engage – work, friends, family and entertainment.

“It’s not about just raising slogans and shouting, but about associating with a cause at the root level, understanding it on the whole and then striving for it,” he said.

“We have got some volunteers who have worked in villages with NGOs and are sharing their experiences with their peers. Such interactions leave a deep impact,” he said.

One of the participants, Sumedha Arora, a Delhi University, student said: “This event has not only motivated me but also given me an insight into how to go about helping others and working for a cause,” she said.