By A. Mirsab,,
Chennai: Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) in Tamil Nadu has released Engineering admission statistics community wise over the past few years which reveals that SCs are getting more inclined towards Engineering stream with exponential growth every year where as Muslims figures display steady admission rate – nor significantly increasing nor declining.
TCN studied Muslims and SCs admission data year wise from the DTE website and found out that every year Muslims make up around 4% of all the admissions in Engineering in the state with a negligible variation where as SCs who were 10% in 2008-2009 continuously grew strength every year reaching to 16% of whole admissions in 2013-2014.
It has also been observed that although number of engineering seats increased in the state colleges between last 6 years but Muslims admission rate has not increased further but maintained the same steady ratio out of total admissions.
It is SCs who have actually benefitted largely with the increased seats in the state colleges as figures show more SC students admitted in Engineering across the state. In the year 2008-2009 there were 12475 number of SC students admitted to Engineering, the numeral became 29493 in the year 2013-2014 – an eye catching development for the SC communities.
When Muslims figures were analyzed gender wise it came to the notice that out of every four Muslims admissions in engineering there was one girl meaning boys and girls maintained ratio of 3:1 every year. There was no significant variation in admissions gender wise for Muslims.
None of the DTEs in other states have released such engineering admission details community wise and hence figures could not be analyzed on a national level.
Tamil Nadu state has reservation of 18% for SCs and 3.5% for Muslims in Education and jobs. Tamil Nadu is one of the few states in India that provides reservations to Muslims. As per 2001 census Muslims are 5.56% in Tamil Nadu’s population and hence accordingly allotted 3.5 % quota for the community by the state government.