By TCN News,
New Delhi: The greatest tribute to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad’s memories and contributions would be to expand the frontiers of knowledge, observed Prof. Talat Ahmad, Vice-Chancellor, Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI). Unveiling Maulana Azad’s statue in the construction yard of Faculty of Architecture & Ekistics, JMI on ‘National Education Day’ that is being celebrated across India on November 11, he described Maulana Azad as a secular educationist who championed the nationalist cause of India. He added that Maulana Azad’s Nationalist stance against Partition stood vindicated in the light of situation that obtains in the sub-continent today.

The Vice-Chancellor stated that Maulana Azad inspired scientific temper and multi-disciplinarity in our academic pursuits. Advocating a Choice-based Credit System to empower students and to boost creativity, he felt that it would be a genuine tribute to Maulana Azad and his vision to educationally empower India even further. Maulana Azad’s genius is known by the fact that as India’s first Education Minister, he conceived and actualized institutions like IIT, Kharagpur, IIT Delhi, ICCR, CSIR, UGC, Sangeet Kala Academy, Sahitya Academy, Lalit Kala Academy, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru and Delhi School of Engineering among a host of institutions.
Mr. Shahid Mehdi, former Vice-Chancellor, JMI observed that celebrating ‘National Education Day’ offers us an opportunity to meditate on the concerns of modern India and commit ourselves to preserve the secular education that stemmed from Indian traditions.
Earlier, Prof. Akhtar Husain, Dean, Faculty of Architecture & Ekistics, JMI, welcomed Prof. Talat Ahmad, Vice-Chancellor, JMI and other distinguished guests and Dr. Abdul Halim Babbu, Head, Department of Architecture, JMI presented vote of thanks.