By Staff Reporter
The recent floods in Assam have displaced over 18 lakh people and resulted in the death of more than 15 people. With over 3,000 villages affected by the floods, The NDRF, SDRF and Indian Army have set up more than 517 relief camps and 186 relief distribution centres to help the displaced, but more help from all possible quarters is needed.

Taking up the call to help the families, Ajmal CSR organisations, Markazul Ma’arif and Ajmal Foundation along with Assam State Jamiat Ulama-e Hind are providing reliefs goods to flood victims in Assam. A combined team reached

Barpeta and distributed Chira, sugar and biscuits in the areas of Hajipara and Khumtai. On Friday, the teams has distributed relief in other areas such Kalgachia, Jania and Bhagbar. The team will continue its mission for next week, said an official press release.
Flood Relief packets with 2 kg cheera, 500gm sugar and 1 packet marie gold biscuit was distributed among 1,200 families in Barpeta LAC and among 1,800 families in Bagbor and Jonia LACs of Barpeta district in Assam by Ajmal CSR organizations on July 29, 2016.

Next week, the organisations will try working in areas of Dhubri and Bongaigaon to ensure that the affected families can be provided relief. “We are closely monitoring the situation and depending on which area needs us most, we will plan our relief distribution accordingly,” says Mushtaq Choudhary, Press Secretary, Markazul Ma’arif.
The NGOs have appeal to all kind hearted people, other national and international NGOs to come forward and help the flood victims in Assam and North East.