Early elections will not solve Ukraine’s political crisis – poll

By RIA Novosti,

Kiev : A recent poll said that less than 10% of Ukrainians believe early elections will help Ukraine overcome its current political crisis, the UNIAN news agency said on Thursday.

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President Viktor Yushchenko dissolved parliament and called snap elections for December 7. However, Ukraine’s deteriorating economic crisis and its need for financial assistance in the form of a $14 billion IMF loan forced the president to postpone snap polls by a week and reopen parliament to introduce new legislation.

Analysts said the elections, set to be the third since 2004, could be delayed further as economic problems and political differences gain momentum.

Citing a survey conducted by the Kiev-based Institute of Management Issues, the agency said “every tenth respondent (9.7%) hopes that the early polls will help resolve the political crisis.”

The agency said 79% of those surveyed said the election would not help end the crisis. About 50% of respondents said Yushchenko stood to gain more from the early polls, and another 30% said they did not see why the election should be held at all.

The survey said 61% of those surveyed criticized the dissolution of the Supreme Rada, while 15.5% and 15.2% approved of the move or said they were “neutral” about it, UNIAN reported.

And more than half of those interviewed, 53.5%, said presidential polls should be held along with the parliamentary vote, the agency said.

People have grown more skeptical about elections in the past year, the agency said. More than 80% of those surveyed said the election would be fraudulent, against 67.6% in 2007. But 58.5% of respondents plan to go to polls.

All attempts to stabilize the political crisis in the country and create a new ruling alliance, which collapsed in October after Yushchenko’s party pulled out of the “orange” coalition with Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko’s bloc, have failed.

Allies in the 2004 “orange revolution,” which put Ukraine on a pro-Western course and brought Yushchenko to power, have drifted apart over a host of issues. Both are expected to run in the 2010 presidential vote.

The survey was conducted on October 15-18 among a sample of 1,000 people. Its error margin is 3.2%.