US court orders Iran to pay $25 mn for killing Israeli soldier


Washington : A US court has ordered Iran to pay $25 million plus interest to the family of an Israeli soldier kidnapped and killed by Hamas 15 years ago.

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Nachshon Wachsman, a 19-year-old soldier with both US and Israeli citizenship, was kidnapped by four members of Hamas in 1994, while waiting for a ride on a street in Lod, Israel.

He was held captive for six days before being executed by his captors as the Israeli military staged a rescue operation to free him oustide Jerusalem.

The US District Court in Washington found Iran liable for the death because it had provided training and support for Hamas, including several of the kidnappers. Tehran has not responded to the suit, allowing the judge to file a default judgement in favour of Wachsman’s family.

The court Friday awarded $5 million to his mother and $2.5 million to each of his six brothers for emotional distress, $2 million for the pain and suffering Wachsman was subjected to before his death, and $3 million in lost earnings potential calculated on his plans to become a doctor.

The court also ordered six percent interest to be paid for each year since the killing.

The suit was filed in a US court in part because Wachsman, his mother and brothers all have dual citizenship.

Hamas issued a videotape showing Wachsman pleading for his life. They were demanding the release of Hamas prisoners being held by Israel in exchange for his release.

Three of the Hamas kidnappers and an Israeli soldier were killed in the attempt to rescue Wachsman. It was determined by Israeli authorities that he had been executed by his captors as the Israeli commandos attacked the house.