Students indiscipline hits Cambridge University


London : Cambridge University, an 800-year-old university where 15 British prime ministers have been educated, has witnessed hundreds of incidents indiscipline from students who have got drunk, become nude, and even resorted to violence, a media report said Wednesday.

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Daily Telegraph reported that a newly released dossier of student misdemeanours over the past five years has shown hundreds of incidents of indiscipline.

While a college dean was forced to fend off the sexual advances of an inebriated student who propositioned her while naked, in another incident a drunk female undergraduate was reprimanded after being caught “fouling” in a college corridor.

At a Spring Ball held earlier this year, a male student needed hospital treatment after he was beaten up and attacked with a bottle by another student.

A Freedom of Information request threw up a long list of misdemeanours that were reported to college deans between 2005 and 2010.

Priyamvada Gopal, the dean of Churchill College, was alerted to 91 incidents involving more than 100 students in the five years 2005-10.

Citing an example, Gopal said: “Several very drunk students and alumni after a rugby dinner, some of whom were running naked around college, and one of whom propositioned me.”

Some students were involved in more than one incident, prompting college authorities to consider expulsion.

At Sidney Sussex College, there were 112 disciplinary cases.

A student threw up in a hand basin and then left the water running. The library below got flooded. Only timely action of the porters prevented valuable books from being damaged.