Chennai: A committee headed by retired Justice K. Raviraja Pandian Monday released the new fee structure for around 6,400 private schools in Tamil Nadu.
The new fee structure would be sent to the various schools by each district’s chief educational officer.
Speaking to reporters here, the committee’s Special Officer Thirugnana Sambandham said the new fee structure would be applicable for three academic years starting this academic year.
The revised fee is said to be 15 percent higher than the earlier slab.
According to the committee, the fee structure was arrived at taking into account infrastructure facilities and maintenance expenditure of the schools.
On complaints of high fees charged by private schools, the previous DMK government had appointed a committee under retired Justice K. Govindarajan.
The Govindarajan committee submitted its report on the fee structure for over 10,000 schools.
However, around 6,400 schools objected to the fee structure fixed by the Govindarajan committee and filed a case in the Madras High Court.
Govindarajan resigned from the committee citing personal reasons and the government appointed Pandian as its head.