Intrusion by Indian police sparks anger in Nepal

    By IANS,

    Kathmandu : Indian police earlier this week entering Nepali territory and raiding a house on the pretext of searching for criminals has enraged local political parties, government officials and people, media reports say.

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    A team of armed police personnel from India Wednesday raided a house at Gulariya-8, in Bardiya district in south-western Nepal, near the border, Xinhua reported.

    The police team from India’s Uttar Pradesh state raided the house of local resident Manjur Prasad Shrestha, saying that they were searching for criminals.

    “They barged into the house despite my protests. The children who were sleeping inside were terrified,” Devi, Manjur Prasad’s wife, told local media.

    Nepal Police spokesperson Navaraj Silwal said Indian police raiding a house on Nepali territory without prior intimation was against international law.

    “They do not have right to do so. Talks are under way at (the) top level about this issue,” Silwal told Xinhua.

    Political parties have termed the incident a blatant attack by India on Nepal’s sovereignty.

    They said this was not the first case of its kind.

    India and Nepal share a 1,868-km open border but Indian police frequently enter Nepali territory on the pretext of controlling criminal activities without informing Nepali police and government agencies before hand.

    “We demand a public apology from the Indian government and commitment not to repeat such an act,” the opposition Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist (CPN-M) said in a press statement.

    Similarly, youth wings of CPN-M are submitting a memorandum to interim cabinet Chairman Khilraj Regmi and the Indian embassy in Nepal.

    A fringe party, People’s Front Nepal, said such incidents were a beach of international border law.

    An official of Nepal’s home ministry told Xinhua on the condition of anonymity that this was an act of breach of law and talks are on with India over the issue.