By Fausto Triana, Prensa Latina
Geneva : The Non Aligned Movement (NAM), under Cuba temporary presidency, took stock of its work in Geneva.
After Friday”s meeting of the NAM Geneva chapter, the Cuban representation led by Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque circulated a substantial document at the UN headquarters summarizing the activity of the group.
The text that was unanimously backed by ambassadors and delegates from the 118 members of the group, addresses participation and incidence of developing countries in the main scene worldwide.
Among issues are the prominent role in the new UN Human Rights Council (HRC) in which the Movement had a decisive bearing to make the institutional construction process of this body come true.
NAM has also repeatedly denounced at the HRC constant violation of the people”s fundamental rights in the Palestinian and Arab territories occupied by Israel and repudiated unilateral coercive measures.
In his Friday speech Perez Roque highlighted that one of the group”s strengths is the fact it constitutes two thirds of the UN Assembly General and that 29 of the 47 HRC members comes from its lines.
After the celebration here of the International Labor Conference in 2007 the NAM adopted two agreements dealing with extension of the Trade Union Liberty Committee and methods of the Commission for the use of Regulations.
In addition, it played a very important role at the Conference of Member States Revision of the Geneva Biological Weapons Convention, besides its participation in different forums related to disarmament, among other activities.