Bahrain affirms importance of human rights


Manama : Bahrain has reiterated its commitment to human rights out of conviction that human dignity, regardless of race, is a red line never to be crossed.

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Commenting on the US fifth annual report on human trafficking which ranked Bahrain second in efforts to combat human trafficking, the Bahraini Foreign Ministry said Wednesday laws here show conformity with international agreements and conventions.

Ranking Bahrain second according to the US State Department, does not reflect the kingdom’s efforts in combating human trafficking, the statement indicated, adding that Bahrain laws regarding human trafficking is considered one of the best at the international level.

The ministry said that Bahrain’s anti-human trafficking laws are regarded as a model by many international experts as it is concordant with international agreements in this regard.

The kingdom set up a national committee to combat human trafficking and undertook measures to deter and clamp down on the crime as well as track down culprits and offer assistance to the victims, the statement indicated, adding that in 2004, Bahrain joined the UN convention against transnational organised crime and its related protocol on combating human trafficking.

Bahrain also joined a number of anti-slavery agreements and reinforced its cooperation with the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) which has recently opened an office in Manama, the ministry said, adding that an agreement was signed with the organisation to build up capacities and raise awareness on fighting human trafficking.