Nepali political parties file different names for 1st president

By Xinhua,

Kathmandu : With Nepali political parties failing to pick consensus on candidates for the presidential post, parties have filed different names for the post.

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Three candidates have been registered for the post of president and four for the vice president till the fixed time on Thursday, according to the Election Commissioner.

The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) (CPN-M), Nepali Congress (NC), the Communist Party Nepal-Unified Marxist Leninist (CPN-UML) and Madhesi People’s Rights Forum (MPRF) have filed the names of their candidates for the president and vice president so far.

The CPN-M has proposed Ram Raja Prasad Singh for the presidential post and its Constituent Assembly lawmaker professor Shanta Shrestha for the vice presidential post.

Likewise, the NC has registered its General Secretary Dr Ram Baran Yadav as presidential candidate and central member Maan Bahadur Bishwakarma as vice presidential candidate.

The CPN-UML has proposed the name of Ram Prit Paswan for president and central member Asta Laxmi Shakya for vice president.

Similarly, the MPRF has expressed solidarity to the candidacy of Ram Raja Prasad Singh, proposed by the CPN-M, for the presidential post. It has registered the name of Parmananda Jha for the vice presidential post.

The final candidates’ name-list for president and vice president will be made public at around 5 p.m. (1115 GMT) Thursday.

The election for the first president and vice-president of the Republican Nepal will be held at the Constituent Assembly (CA) building in Kathmandu on July 19.