Canadians Divided Even by Fate of Gitmo Inmate

By Prensa Latina,

Ottawa : Sectors of Canadian public opinion are demanding repatriation of Omar Khadr, an alleged terrorist held in Guantanamo base, while others say he must be tried in the mentioned military base, according to a survey carried out by the Toronto Star paper.

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According to the poll, 38 percent of the people demanded return of the prisoner, one of the 270 people tagged as enemy combatants, a term created by the US Government to justify their confinement at the Guantanamo base.

An identical number of people demanded Khadr’s trial in the Guantanamo base, a territory occupied by Washington against the will of Cuban authorities and people.

The case of this young man, born in Toronto, made headlines after a video released last Tuesday showed his seven-hour interrogation.

People in favour of his repatriation joined some media, including The Gazette, National Post, and Presse, which have demanded Canadian Premier Stephen Harper’s interference.

“Bring him home, Mr. Harper,” said local newspapers.

According to people close to Harper, he has no intention to request his return.

Khadr must appear before a military commission on October 8. Most of those polled considered unlikely a fair trial against him.

Khadr was a 15-year old when he was arrested in Afghanistan and the Pentagon considered him responsible for the death of a US soldier.

Since October 2003, he has been held in a legal limbo in Guantanamo, without any charge being pressed against him.