By Xinhua,
Jakarta : Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said that Moslems throughout the world are responsible to foster global peace through religious tolerance.
“Too much attention and energy has been spent on resolving conflicts, but still not enough on preventing them,” Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono remarked on Wednesday in front of 350 participants of the conference from 66 countries.
The three-day conference was held in the capital city of Jakarta, themed “Upholding Islam as Rahmatan Lil-Alamin: Peace Building and Conflict Prevention in the Muslim World.”
Some prominent world leaders and scholars from several participating countries had been scheduled to present their points of view including The Indonesian former President Megawati Soekarno Putri, the secretary general of the ASEAN Surin Pitswan were two of them during the plenary session.