Congresswoman and Terrorist Meet in Miami

By Prensa Latina,

Havana : Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, an anti-Cuban mafia representative to the US Congress, attended a public meeting with the presence of criminal Luis Posada Carriles, the Granma daily denounced on Monday.

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The comment entitled Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen and Posada, met in an assembly of terrorists, the daily said that meting was summoned by terrorist organization from Miami, related to the CIA.

The text recalls that Posada Carriles is a notorious assassin and torturer claimed by Venezuela, because he destroyed in midair a Cuban passenger plane in 1976, a criminal action that caused death to 73 people, the daily said.

It also said the minor politician that Bush appointed as top representative of his foreign policy at the House participated in the meeting summoned by the so called Presidio Politico Cubano Cuban Political Prisoners, an organization created in August, 2002, gathering counterrevolutionaries with violent past lives, under the leadership of notorious terrorist Sixto Reynaldo “El Chino” Aquit.

This man from Miami settled down in Caracas in early 1999 to prepare, hired by Posada Carriles, an attack on President Fidel Castro, on the occasion of his attendance to President Hugo Chavez Frias’ inauguration. The criminal plan was sponsored by the Cuban-American National Foundation.

Carrilres, accompanied by his usual guards, who are related to Alpha 66, made a noisy appearance among the participants in Miami’s meeting, which gathered people in favor of violence against Cuba and the progressive processes in Latin America.

Granma said Posada Carriles’ presence in that meeting with Ileana Ros-Lehtinen is part of the CIA plans to group Cuban and Venezuelan conspirers in the same destabilizing organization, to which journalist Patricia Poleo, related to the assassination of Attorney Danilo Anderson, who was in charge of investigating the participants in the attempted coup in April, 2002.

It said the mentioned Cuban Political Prisoners organization, which summoned to Miami’s meeting, has always served as reserve to the US special services to recruit mercenaries.

Among other things, the organization was used to cover, some years ago, a plot to bomb the Che Guevara Memorial in Santa Clara, a Cuban central city, an operation frustrated by a State Security agent that had infiltrated the conspiring group.

Finally, Granma recalled that Ros-Lehtinen, daughter of a man related to Fulgencio Batista’s bloody dictatorship, has expressed publicly several times her support to terrorists against Cuba.