“Resistance” adopted in Lebanese cabinet statement despite ministers’ reservations

By Xinhua,

Beirut : Lebanese cabinet approved its policy statement with a clause of “resistance,” after nearly three weeks of intensive debates, though four Christian ministers expressed reservations to the amendment, local Anahar website reported Tuesday.

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After a five-hour meeting Monday night, Information Minister Tarek Mitri told reporters that “the cabinet unanimously approved the policy statement and referred it to parliament” for vote of confidence.

The cabinet is to face a vote of confidence by parliament by the end of this week, and would afterwards be able to officially rule the nation.

Mitri said that the four Christian ministers wanted to add a phrase to the clause to place Hezbollah’s resistance activities “under the state wing,” but their proposal was rejected.

The clause recognizes “the right of Lebanon’s people, army and resistance to liberate Israeli-occupied Shebaa farms, Kafar Shuba Hills, and Lebanese section of Ghajar village.”

However, Prime Minster Fouad Seniora was satisfied with the outcomes, saying that the policy statement is “in the interest of Lebanon.”

The four Christian ministers who expressed reservations are members of the ruling majority of March 14 bloc. Their 12 allies in the cabinet did not make any reservation to the statement.