Pakistan: Presidential Candidate will be supported as per accord with PPP, says Nawaz


Lahore : PML-N Chief Mian Mohammad Nawaz Sharif has said that his party, committed to agreements reached with PPP on 5th and 7th of this month, would support presidential candidate under these accords.

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“Under the agreement it is the prerogative of PPP to nominate its candidate for the office of president if 17th amendment is scraped,” he said on Saturday while addressing a press conference after meeting with PPP delegation comprising Leader of the house in Senate Raza Rabbani,Federal Information Minister Sherry Rehman, Federal Minsiter Khurshid Shah and Sind Chief Minsiter Qaim Ali Shah.

Nawaz Sharif said under the aforementioned agreement, if 17th amendment remains part of the constitution, then a national figure having national stature is to be nominated by four coalition partners with consensus.

He said following announcement of the schedule for presidential election PML-N wants restoration of judges on Monday.

“I have asked them to let us know by tonight if they are ready to reinstate judges on Monday or not”, he said. He said a “resolution” in this regard should be tabled on Monday, discussion should be held same day and by evening restoration order must be issued.

Nawaz Sharif said his party would evolve its future line of action after the response from PPP regarding restoration of judges.

To a question, he said PML-N wants to settle issue of reinstatement of judges and presidential election as per agreement signed by him and Asif Ali Zardari on 5th and 7th of this month.

He said under these agreements judges were to be restored within 24 hours after impeachment/resignation of Pervez Musharraf.

To a question, he said, though it is PML-N’s right that it should be given the presidentship,being the second major partner of ruling coalition, but added that the party has no desire for it.

While referring to Murree declaration, as well as his rounds of talks with PPP

Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari in Dubai and London, Nawaz Sharif regretted that promises made for the reinstatement of judges were not fulfilled.

Reiterating his commitment to reinstatement of judges, he said, “We want restoration of judges to ensure rule of law as it was essential to block adventurers to go for derailing democracy in the country.”

He said in the past, the country had to face crisis including debacle of East Pakistan due to dictatorial rule asserting “I am of the firm view if there were democracy in the country we would not have to face this tragedy.”

Asserting that PML-N would never compromise on independence of judiciary, he said, it is necessary for supremacy of constitution, rule of law and continuity of democracy.

He said, “We have no lust for power and are ready to offer any sacrifice for the security and integrity of the country.”

Holding dictatorial rule responsible for all ills facing the country, he said violence and lawlessness in tribal areas were also result of it.

To a question, Nawaz Sharif said he has great respect for Asif Ali Zardari but PML-N wants to ensure powers of Parliament and Prime Minister as per origional 1973 constitution.

To another question, he said, Presidential election’s schedule was announced in haste without consultation with PML-N.

When asked about the role of some forces in resignation of Pervez Musharraf, he said, “It was only masses pressure that forced him to quit. I have no knowledge of any other forces’s role in this regard.”

Earlier, PML-N leaders and PPP delegation held 3-hour meeting to discuss political issues especially nomination of PPP Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari as presidential candidate by PPP’s Central Executive Committee.