By Prensa Latina
Bratislava : Slovakia insisted today in disregarding the secesión proclaimed by Albanians in the Serbian province of Kosovo.
In a press conference, Slovak Prime Minister, Robert Fico, asserted that the unilateral declaration of independence is a mistake that hightens tensions in that territory (Balkans) where nobody wants it to exist..
Fico asked the UN Security Council and the European Commission, executive organ of the Union, to adopt the corresponding decisions.
Without those definitions, indicated the head of government, Slovakia cannot recognize Kosovo. We see this as a conflict of interests and it is not right for part of Serbia´s territory to be cut off, he said.
Fico rejected, on the other hand, the presence of a US antimissile shield in the neighboring Czech Republic.
I am radically against radars and missiles in Europe, he said and added that the construction of those military facilities in the Czech Republic and Poland, contribute nothing to European or world stability because they are not part of an international treaty.
He recalled that as member of NATO, Slovakia expects that the issue of antimissile defense be dealt with in the framework of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and not through bilateral délas between the United States, the Czech Republic and Poland.