By Prensa Latina
Baghdad : Turkey refused to suspend Army operations in Iraq until fulfilling its objective of destroying the alleged guerrillas bases of Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in the Arab country’s northern area.
Adviser Ahmed Davutoglu of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayip Erdogan declared in this capital that the mission is clear and no schedule will be established for withdrawal until PKK camps are dismantled.
Davutoglu traveled to Baghdad to give a message to the Turkisk President Abdula Gul and his Iraqi counterpart Yalal Talabani, amid attacks by the neighboring country’s army against northern Iraq in the last six days.
The Turkish official declarations took place after a meeting with the Foreign Affairs Minister of the Arab State Hoshiar Zebari.
In Istambul, the Army General Staff issued a communique admitting the death of 30 of its troops and 230 Turkish combatants, after the armed clashes began last weekend.