Climate Change Sorely Imperils Mankind

By Prensa Latina

Geneva : World Health Organization General Director Margaret Chan said on Monday that the most important species currently threatened by the earth’s climate change is humanity.

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During the opening WHO session in Geneva, Chan said there is an extraordinary relation between climate change and health, thus the issue is a priority for the organization she leads.

The most recent predictions, published in November, said Africa will be severely affected by the world ecological ups and downs in 2020, and health international crisis.

“There are just 12 years left. Our sector has good evidence of what droughts, floods, storms, heat waves, air pollution, malnutrition, displacement of people and transmissible diseases mean,” she said.

The WHO leader said that without causing a stir, there are indicators that show a reduction in the number of deaths due to the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome in the last two years.

It is encouraging, but we are still far from our goals, and above all we are not doing enough to prevent infection from mother to child, she stated.

Chan also reported that tuberculosis decreased in some parts of the world, although she warned of new strains of that disease that are resistant to known medicines.

She was slightly more optimistic about malaria, due to measures adopted and logistic support for some African countries.