G8 Summit vs. Global Crisis

By Pensa Latna,

Tokyo : The summit of the Group of the Eight (G8) industrialized countries taking place in Hokaido is on its second day, marked by the challenge of solving energy and food crises.

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According to analysts and heads of governments, the rise in oil and food prices, the lack of the basic supplies for survival, the global financial disaster, environmental problems, and conflicts like that of Iran are the main issues to debate in the meeting.

The UN and the World Bank called Monday for international community to alleviate the situation of millions of people.

Anti-globalization rallies have taken place since this weekend in cities close to the venue of the meeting to protest against this kind of event that includes only wealthy countries.

Promises like that made by European Commission president Jose Manuel Durao Barroso of suggesting the European Union the creation of a $1.6-billion fund to fight starvation in Africa, are common but few times has come to an end, analysts stated.

This time, African leaders attending the meeting pressed developed countries to fulfill offers to support the continent, local press stressed.

Parallel to this event is a Poor People”s Summit in Mali, organized by anti-globalization activists and attended by hundreds of people worldwide.

The Debt and Development Alternatives Coalition of this country denounced in the Sunday opening ceremony that the G8 governments are most responsible for the climate warming and international food crisis.