By Prensa Latina,
Baghdad : The coalition leading Iraq’s occupation left Qadisiyah province to Iraqi control days after the US was officially asked for a timetable to withdraw.
Official sources said US and Polish troops that operated at that province of Shiite Majority south of Baghdad left command to local authorities, after allegedly improved security.
Qadisiyah is the 10th of 18 provinces under national control as the US claims to having made “huge progress” in security.
Other sources claim that the province has witnessed strong clashes between rival Shiite factions, pretext of the 2007 large-scale offensive by US and local troops.
Izzat Ibrahim al Douri, ex vice president Saddam Husseim’s government, for whom the US offers $10 million reward, promised through Radio Al-Arabiya channel to fight the US occupants.
He lashed at “clashes between Al-Qaeda Sunnis and Mahdi Militias loyal to Shiite Cleric Muqtada al-Sadr and called both to fight the foreign occupants instead.
Al Douri also warned US President George W. Bush that “the Iraqi people will fight until Final Judgment Day.”