By Prensa Latina,
Dakar : The book “Africa Responds to Sarkozy”, by 23 African intellectuals, decries unfortunate views put forward by French President Nicolas Sarkozy during a speech on July 26, 2007.
On that date, Sarkozy hurt deeply African feelings by watering down the slave trade, the plundering of resources and colonialism in Africa.
Coordinator of the work, Professor Makhili Gassama, explained that the text is an anthology of the reaction from authors in this continent to remarks made by Sarkozy in July.
Gassama said these articles prove that European colonization is to blame for the current ruinous African situation.
He noted that, unintendedly, the authors covered much more than a simple reply to Sarkozy, as they put forward African challenges and their hope that the continent will find the way to overcome them.