New Delhi : The central government Saturday said all help was being given to flood victims in Bihar including providing food packets and drinking water with adequate logistic support and ensuring early repair of the breached Kosi embankment.
The central government reiterated it will continue to extend “all possible assistance” to Bihar.
As many as 16 districts in the state are affected by floods.
Since a breach in the Kosi river embankment near Kusaha in Nepal has caused the floods, the government said it was coordinating with Kathmandu for early repairs.
“The water resources ministry has constituted a high-level team to suggest remedial measures in Bihar for repairing and strengthening afflux bunds of the Kosi barrage and will coordinate with Nepal for early repairs,” a home ministry statement said.
The central government has constituted six supervisory teams for day-to-day coordination among state engineers, Ganga Flood Control Commission and the Indian embassy in Kathmandu for smooth working at the breached section.
The government said 37 army columns with 37 engineering task forces and 37 medical teams along with 17 helicopters continued to be deployed in Bihar for rescue and relief operations.
It said 125,000 tonnes of food grains – 75,000 tonnes of rice and 50,000 tonnes of wheat – had been allocated, and 3,95,320 bottles of drinking water had been delivered.