Congress slams Maoists, asks parties to fight together


New Delhi : The Congress Wednesday slammed the Maoists for unleashing “mindless violence” against the common man, whose interests the rebels claim to espouse, and called for all political parties to come together to fight the scourge.

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The Congress also urged the Maoists to join the national mainstream and added that each of their grievances could be addressed through dialogue.

Referring to the ongoing Maoist violence in different parts of the country, Congress spokesman Abhishek Manu Singhvi said: “This is a tragic invocation of aam aadmi (common man) by the Maoists.”

He said the outfit, which “supposedly exists and acts for common people”, was engaging in “unthinking madness”.

“This is anti-people, anti-poor and anti-development. Still they swear by the poor people,” Singhvi told reporters here.

Slamming the Maoists for blocking roads, electricity and development, the Congress said such activities were not “pro-poor”. Singhvi said violence of this kind was a “national threat” and it could not be tolerated.

“Looting of trains and disrupting movement of passengers cannot promote the interest of common man. Such organisations have no right to even mention common man’s interest. They stand for reign of repression and reign of terror,” Singhvi said.

“If they have guts and determination, they must join the mainstream and be prepared for dialogue. Each of their grievances can be addressed,” he said.

Asked about Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) general secretary Prakash Karat’s allegations that Trinamool Congress ministers in the central government were instigating Maoist violence in West Bengal, Singhvi said legitimate issues were involved in the movement in Singur and Nandigram in the state.

“It cannot be linked with the issue of mindless violence,” he stressed.

He also accused Communist leaders of raising “baseless, mindless and ridiculous allegations” against Trinamool Congress leader Mamata Banerjee.

Mainstream political parties must exercise their sense of responsibility. “This is not the time for ‘tu-tu, mein-mein’ politics,” Singhvi said.

He said around 6,000 people, including security personnel, have been killed in Maoist related violence since 1996.