Madrid : Thousands of people took to the streets in nearly 100 cities Sunday to protest against abortion and demand the nullification of the new law recently approved in Spain regulating voluntary interruption of pregnancy.
The International March for Life 2010 was called by some 270 organisations with the aim of requesting the revocation of the law, which will go into force at the beginning of July and which sets 16 as the age of majority for a woman in deciding whether to end her pregnancy of up to 14 weeks.
Under the slogan “Spain Life Yes. In democracy one listens to the people”, the largest demonstration was held in Madrid.
The march in the capital transpired amid a festive atmosphere and the participants carried Spanish flags and other red banners, as well as red, blue and white balloons that they released at the end of the demonstration.
Leading the march was a float with music on which rode several young people who periodically shouted slogans such as “Zapatero, your mother didn’t abort you”, referring to Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, and “This is how we young people of Spain are”.
Upon their arrival at the stage set up on the central Puerta del Sol, those in the vanguard of the march were received by the sounds of ABBA’s song “Mamma Mia.”
After watching a video entitled “Power of life” on a screen installed over the stage, the crowd observed a minute of silence “in memory of the children who are not going to be born”, talk show host Carlos Moreno said.