Jayalalithaa fit for PM: AIADMK

    By IANS,

    Chennai : The AIADMK Thursday said Tamil Nadu Chief Minister and party general secretary J. Jayalalithaa has the ability to become the prime minister and provide a bright future for the country.

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    However speaking to the media briefly, Jayalalithaa said it was her party cadres’ wish and she was yet to decide whether to present herself as a prime ministerial candidate.

    The party’s general council said in a resolution that the time has come for India to have a prime minister from Tamil Nadu.

    Describing Jayalalithaa as an “unparalleled patriot”, the resolution said she had voiced opposition to the India-US agreement on energy, Chinese intrusion into India and Sri Lankan atrocities on Tamils in that nation.

    The resolution said Jayalalithaa has the ability to provide a bright future for the country.

    It urged party cadres to work hard so as to win all 40 Lok Sabha seats in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry and create a situation for Jayalalithaa to lead the nation.

    At the meeting, Jayalalithaa said there should be a change of government at the centre as it was “taking revenge on the people of Tamil Nadu” for voting AIADMK to power.

    “The centre is providing step-motherly treatment to Tamil Nadu,” she said.

    She said the central government has not sanctioned power projects in the state and reduced kerosene allocation to the state among other steps.

    Jayalalithaa said the central government has to be thrown out if the state has to progress.

    On the power shortage in the state, she blamed the central government for the situation as most of the central power generating units developed snags all of a sudden.

    Jayalalithaa said even small neighbouring countries were threatening India and the central government was not being able to manage that.

    Meanwhile, the general council passed a resolution authorising Jayalalithaa to decide on the alliances for the next general elections.