PVR Nest backs student-led health campaign

    By IANS,

    New Delhi : A year-long school awareness programme, a joint initiative by Sanofi India Limited and PVR Nest, is aimed at utilising creative techniques in schools, using art and cinema to make children’s health education real, innovative and participatory.

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    ‘Healthy children, happy children’ is the student-led campaign on children’s health, for which integrated global healthcare brand Sanofi India Limited Tuesday joined hands with PVR Nest, the social programme of film entertainment company PVR Limited, ahead of Children’s Day, which falls on Nov 14.

    It will bring together Indian paediatricians, with NGOs and artists in the field of creative learning, to mentor school children on healthcare.

    “We look forward to developing a sustained partnership with India’s leading paediatricians, schools and experts who are participating in this programme,” said Renaud Palliere, CEO-International Business, PVR, in a statement.

    As many as 200,000 school children from 200 schools — an equal mix of public and private schools as well as NGO and community schools — in four cities – Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad and Mumbai – are expected to be part of the campaign.

    Use of mediums like puppetry, theatre, story-telling and capacity-building exercises will be tapped to sensitise children on relevant health topics like hygiene, environment, play and exercise, disability and discrimination, vaccination and ergonomics.

    “We are delighted to partner with PVR Nest for a first-of-its-kind interface between paediatricians, NGOs and artistes for this innovative, year-long school awareness program on health,” Joanna Potts, commercial operations officer, Sanofi India, said in a statement.

    “We are looking forward to seeing children-in-action during the school health workshops, and also, during the making of original ‘Healthy children, happy children’ health films and publication,” Potts added.

    A vital outcome of the program will be the formation of around 200 ‘Healthy children, happy children’ School Clubs, which will have an outreach within schools, as well as to parents and communities outside, to sustain health education and awareness.

    There will also be a a filmmaking process wherein eminent filmmakers will train select students from shortlisted schools, to make original health-based films. These will then be screened by PVR cinemas across the country.

    “As a film exhibition company, we will provide the best possible outreach to the original films the students will make during this campaign, through our presence in 37 cities country wide,” said PVR’s Palliere.