What happened to Bush in Iraq was loud cry against occupiers – Lebanese Hezbollah


Beirut : Lebanese Hezbollah here Monday night issued communique announcing that Iraqi reporter Montazer al-Zeidi’s move against (US President) George Bush before the eyes of world nations was loud cry of Iraqi nation against occupiers.

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According to IRNA correspondent in Beirut, we read in a part of the communique, “The brave move of al-Zeidi, the best title for which can be the good bye kiss, was the loud cry of the Iraqi nation and the entire oppressed nations against occupation, oppression, and injustice.”

Hezbollah has emphasized that al-Zeidi’s move has been on behalf of the entire Iraqi citizens who have lost the heads of their families, or their children during the course of the US-led occupation of their country.

The communique says, “Al-Zeidi’s move marked the end of Bush era, that was the period of illegal invasions and occupation.”

Hezbollah describes al-Zeidi as a “hero”, asking everyone, particularly the world media to express sympathy with him aimed at paving the path for his unconditional freedom.

Reporter of Al-Baqdadiyya local TV, Montazer al-Zeidi on Sunday evening during the joint press conference of the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maleki and the US President, moments after Bush turned his face towards the reporters, objecting to his unreal comments on improvement of living standards in Iraq as a result of the US-led invasion, and to lingering occupation of his country, threw his both shoes towards Bush.

The Iraqi Prime Ministry guards immediately arrested al-Zeidi demonstrating a very harsh reaction towards his justice seeking move and transferred him out of the press conference hall.

He is supposed to be handed to Iraqi Interior Ministry soon.