Russia Shrugs NATO’s Global Thrust

By Prensa Latina,

Moscow : Russia opposes expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and considers it a serious error to try to solve security problems in that way, said here a diplomatic source Saturday.

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The director of European Cooperation of the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry, Serguei Riabkov, sustained that in NATO politics, contempt prevails among Russian interests in this field.

This attitude worries Moscow, the high official of the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry assured in the conference “NATO as a Stabilizer of International Security,” carried out in this capital.

The North Atlantic block seeks to become a global factor in this matter, the expert denounced.

When underlining that the alliance has wide possibilities to form coalitions , the official indicated that under such a basis it has openly declared that it can carry out interventions without the command of the UN Security Council.

This practice constitutes a violation of current international law, because the UN is the only entity authorized by the world community to grant such a command.

The increase of the contradictions between the Russian Federation and NATO causedáMoscow to decree a moratorium in December 2007 on the Treaty of Limitation on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe.