India to Increase Public Security

By Prensa Latina,

New Delhi : In the middle of the debate on security in view of the bloody attacks in the city of Jaipur, the Indian government scheduled the installation of a sophisticated surveillance in places with large public attendance Saturday.

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Without giving so many details, Indian Science and Technology Minister Kapil Sibal said it will be a totally computerized system with cameras, biometric analysis, drug and explosive detention, and it will not imply searching of people for carrying possible weapons.

Local newspaper The Times of India reported a testing project will be installed at Platform 12, in the New Delhi Train Station in six months.á If the project is successful, Sibal will recommend its adoption at national level.

Sibal pointed out the number of people going to public places in Indiais too much high, that is why individual access control becomes almost impossible to get.

A central command will control several sub-systems according to a common surveillance parameter.

Eight bombs blew up Wednesday night in markets and a temple in the historic center of Jaipur, Indian state of Rajasthan, where 80 people died and 200 were injured.

The loads were left in bicycles parked in the places, and exploded by a detonator connected to a clock.

National Security Supervisor N. K. Narayanan admitted in an extraordinary meeting with the Indian Cabinet Friday that there are problems in the surveillance net, and coordination between the central government and state authorities.

Narayanan also regarded the intelligence information recollection as poor, added that there is a lack of specialized officials dedicated to security, little information on terrorist groups and accepted central and local authorities did not have any sign that a terrorist attack in Jaipur was being prepared.

Meanwhile, the government of Rajasthan started a hunt of illegal immigrants coming from Bangladesh.

It is suspected that Islamic group Harkat-ul-Jehadi Islamia (HuJI), based in Bangladesh, is behind the terrorist attack in Jaipur and some others.