By Prensa Latina
Tel Aviv : Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Sunday ruled out cease-fire talks with the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, and called true war the current situation in Gaza Strip, where the Tel Aviv army often carries out offensives.
In his speech at the weekly session of the Ministers Council, Ehud Olmert said that operations against that Palestinian region will continue as they have been conducted for many months until Hamas accepts the conditions of the Quarter for the Middle East.
That group, formed by the US, the European Union, the UN, and Russia, demands the Islamic Movement to recognize Israel, lay down its weapons, and accepts the agreements signed between the Palestinian Liberation Organization and Tel Aviv.
“Those who are not willing to accept that policy can not be talk partner,” said Olmert.
The Israeli prime minister said that there is no other way to describe what is happening in the Gaza Strip except as a true war between the Israeli army and the Palestinian resistance factions, and his cabinet has no interest in changing that strategy and stop incursions.